Renard - Fix healthcare.
Renard provides healthcare services or supports relevant healthcare providers.
Initially, we are focused on ...
- a) understanding how best to support Germany's healthcare system and
- b) helping long-term care institutions automate backoffice tasks.
The overall ambition of Renard is to fix our healthcare system by significantly reducing healthcare costs.
Das erste Produkt ist eine Ausfüllhilfe für den Online-Antrag für Pflegekassen. Mehrheitlich erfolgt der Pflegeantrag noch als handgeschriebener Papierausdruck. Indem Pflegeversicherte die Ausfüllhilfe nutzen, können Sie den Antrag digital vorbereiten. Pflegekassen haben den Vorteil, dass sie eine maschinenlesbare Version des Pflegeantrages erhalten.
Die Ausfüllhilfe für den Pflegeantrag ist hier einsehbar:
The next 10 years are critical to find solutions to our healthcare crisis because an aging population across Europe is going to create repeated waves of healthcare cost escalation. While it's unclear how we'll manage our health and our healthcare system, it's clear it'll be different.
It is important we make progress on many fronts. Here are some areas of interest but many more deserve attention:
- health monitoring: we're good at treating acute injury and maintaining chronic disease health status. We're less good at intervening before disease appears. Proper monitoring can help reduce disease burdens by intervening before disease fully manifests.
- health week: there are certain health parameters that require outside services to produce. This might be a blood draw, an MRI scan or an exercise test. Providing a service to aid in planning and executing such a week can make realisation more feasible.
- long-term care management: our long-term care system is overwhelmed with the superlinear growth in long-term care demand. We want to provide tooling to increase efficiency in the long-term care industry.
- system analysis: it is unclear how we can best improve healthcare in Germany and Europe. We want to have develop a plan how best to solve our healthcare crisis.