1) apply methods of production for output-oriented management
2) work is pursued by teams
3) team peak performance is elicited from individuals
productivity = sum(Li x Ai) (sum of activities times leverage of activities)
leverage can be time-sensitive, e.g. preparing a meeting, somebody quits
negative leverage: emotionally charged leadership, waffling, meddling, bad preparation
high-leverage activities: concentrating on stars, recruiting, talking stars out of quitting (drop what you're doing; ask him why he is quitting; ask some more; don't try to change his mind; buy time), performance reviews
classify activities as low-/medium-/high-leverage. Do less low leverage activities.
methods of production:
set of good indicators/measurements: rigorous monitoring + variable inspection is cheaper than gate-like inspection
material becomes more valuable as it moves through process: don't let substandard material proceed
make irregular things regular: prepare standard responses
performance review:
single most important form of task-relevant feedback
assess performance (not potential), drop less important feedback
strive to be achievement-driven (not competence-driven)
give subordinate written review before
1-on-1: subordinates provide supervisor with outline in advance
"operation review" meeting: keep teaching/learning going between people
generate inventory of pending decisions you are responsible for