Organisationen #11: The Phoenix Project, Gene Kim et al.
(back to books)
- Substrat: wip is the silent killer
- any improvement not made at the constraint is just an illusion
- take needless work out before putting more work in
- improving daily work is more important than doing daily work
- free puppy: upfront capital is not the issue, operations and maintenance is
- continuously reduce cyle times
- until code is in production, no value is generated, because it’s merely wip stuck
- categories of work: business projects, internal projects, changes, unplanned work
- technical debt: short-term shortcut with - if unchecked - compounding cost over time
- resilience engineering: routinely inject faults into the system
- CFO goals (KPIs):
- company: revenue, market share, avg. order size, profitability, return on assets
- finance: order-to-cash cycle, accounts receivable, accurate reporting, borrowing costs