Leben #15: The 4 Hour Workweek, Tim Ferris
(back to books)
- Substrat: lifestyle design (use of free time)
instead of multi-staged career planning
- retirement = worst-case insurance
- find market before product
- more options = more power
- goal: free time and generate cashflow
- if you could only work 2h per day due to a heart attack,
what would you do?
- 2nd heart attack & 2h per week?
- quitting = integral to being a winner
- dealmaker's manifesto: reality is negotiable
- kill sacred cows (do uncommon within rules)
- people deny things emotionally that they learn to accept later
- success = sum of uncomfortable conversations
- what would happen if I did opposite of people around me?
- be largest, best or first in category
- most critical skill: remote management/communication
- principle #1: refine rules & processes before adding people
- architecture: place you out of information flow (not at top)
- being efficient but not effective is default mode of universe
- information consumes recipients
- don't encourage people to chitchat and stop chitchat
- fight interruption impulse
- perfect products delivered past deadline kill you faster
than decent products delivered on time
- tactical advice:
- use credit cards with reward points
- well-designed and well-targeted advertising works the first time
- let others negotiate themselves; repeat offer
& wait in silence
- send emails with time delay to arrive when convenient for you
- higher pricing attracts lower-maintenance customers
- exchange home with https://www.homeexchange.com
- he rarely travels wihout deciding first
how he'll obsess on specific skill