The Tools, Phil Stutz & Barry Michels
- Substrat: tools require energy at outset & increase energy in long run
- past has memories, emotions, insights but relief happens in present
- individual problems drive a person's exploration & evolution; evolutionary demand to change society while changing oneself
- humans possess higher forces that can be activated; change agent not therapist/coach/... but higher forces patient evokes
- we lost sense we're on same team & have duty to sth higher than ourselves
- reality: pain, uncertainty, constant work; pain relative to reaction to it; commitment endless painful actions; healthy spirit unafraid of change/future
- central task of adult: find purpose; fantasy: "after success life is effort-free"
- insecurities make people hard to work with (competitive, jealous, ...)
- if you can't control mind, spiritually immature; real power no need to prove anything
- we look for peace of mind in wrong places; most ads: buy this & you're accepted
- consumers make up for laziness by gorging on new information; collecting experiences can be consumerism, too
- Force of Forward Motion (life force); accept pain & commit to moving forward
- Reversal of Desire (tool; stop avoiding): 1) focus on cloud of pain around situation; 2) scream silently "BRING IT ON!", feel desire for pain; 3) scream silently "I LOVE PAIN!" & move into cloud; 4) feel cloud spit you out while you say silently "PAIN SETS ME FREE!", feel propelled into light
- The Maze: so trapped in hurt/anger can't move on; deeper you enter, harder escape;
if you let go of hurt, life could go on immediately; trapped because belief "world
should treat me fairly"; in maze, you need sth from person who wronged you (dependence)
- generate Outflow to exit maze: love independent of reaction; outflow own reward (you move on); inner state change doesn't require change of external action; active love (tool; embrace injustice): 1) concentration: feel surrounded by loving light, become one with light & concentrate it; 2) transmission: send love to person's solar plexus & feel it enter; 3) penetration: relax & feel surrounded by love again
- The Shadow: 2nd self we're ashamed of (try to hide it); visit situation that caused
panic, give feelings face & body; always with us; evolves
- Force of Self-Expression (life force): reveal yourself without caring for other opinions
- Inner Authority (tool): 1) see shadow (practice it); 2) ignore audience & build bond with shadow; 3) silently command with one voice "LISTEN!"
- learn to work with shadow, not become him; if partnership falls apart, unbalanced life (weakness, inferiority, depression vs. craving for approval)
- Force of Self-Expression (life force): reveal yourself without caring for other opinions
Black Cloud: incessant worrying creates negative energy like cloud; sunshine invisible under cloud; no peace of mind; survival that nobody sees (distrust & loneliness); close eyes, re-create worry, focus on inner state of thoughts: what does it feel like?
The Source (life force): omnipresent all-giving power; **events in life where source makes itself known so powerfully we feel grateful without effort
Grateful Flow (tool; interrupt negative thinking): 1) pick ~5 things grateful for & slowly say them silently; 2) once finished, notice your heart pouring out gratefulness; 3) feel chest open & approach of overwhelming presence
- peace of mind requires constant work; perspective helps manage disappointments
people stop tools because success made them think not necessary anymore; tools temporarily repair connection to higher forces
Jeopardy (tool; create willpower): fear-based situation triggers burst of energy (sense of urgency); 1) see yourself on deathbed; 2) older self screams not to waste present moment; 3) feel hidden fear you squander life; 4) feel urge to act
- AA was developed bottom-up by alcoholics; AA elevates experience over belief
- many males hide behind facade: "life under control", "need nothing from others"
- don't argue with inner critic, turn it off
- nothing is more pathetic than knowing what needs to be done and not doing it
- universe doesn't reward you like trained seal; values internals (humans externals)