Sisu - Do more with less
I help individuals do more with less over time.
I fervently believe individuals move the world forward. One individual can leave a larger mark than 1000 others. I want to help you become that individual.
With your help I want to build honeypot organisations. A honeypot organisation attracts top talent and retains it. Its workforce has so many opportunities for growth & self-expression that it's a bizarre idea for members to leave.
This is not about money. It's about the soul.
Skunkworks: 1 day event to do more with less
- purpose of the event: help you raise your standards long-term (non-linear payoff)
- mental models: think different, comet, concentric circles
- time with yourself: why do you do what you do? what do you want to get out of it? what can you give?
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