Khaldoun - a Tunisian data science boutique.
Khaldoun creates Data Science jobs in Tunisia and Germany. *
There are many young highly-educated Tunisians that cannot find work in Tunisia. At the same time there are not enough top data scientists in Germany.
Members of Khaldoun are independent freelancers that are paid by Khaldoun or an affiliate organisation.
Principal activity is developing open-source products that let Khaldoun members do more with less. This research activity is self-financed and there is no need to make money from it. It serves as guiding the mission of Khaldoun and serves as part of the community platform for interested non-members. The first of such products is Lugha.
Secondary activity is setting up a consulting business that helps organisations transform themselves. This will be the primary revenue stream to finance Khaldoun's activities.
A tertiary activity is to help organisations recruit data science talent. Khaldoun members that want to move to Germany get the opportunity to do so. This will be a secondary revenue stream. It will also fuel Khaldoun's consulting business because the new hires at an organisation help foster that organisation's transformation.
Khaldoun is a platform that requires several components in order to be successful:
- 1) a vibrant data science hub in Tunis
- 2) effective tools to facilitate data science consulting work
- 3) education to develop the skills of Khaldoun members
We need to build out this infrastructure as fast as possible.
core principles
- we focus to have high speed & intensity
- we do simple things to not get side-tracked by complexity
- we think different to see what others have been missing
- we create value to stay relevant
* Earning an income gives certainty & significance and provides the room to grow & contribute. And the economic activity that's at the heart of this income creates value chains that foster further income-producing activity.
You can check out Khaldoun at